• ALL,  Turkey

    Solidarity for Murat Arslan #solidarityformuratarslan

    Message from Turkey, regarding the detention of Murat Arslan, President of Yarsav – the only independent Association of Judges and Prosecutors in Turkey – 19th of October 2016: “The President of Association for the Union of Judges and Prosecutors, Mr. Murat Arslan was arrested in the early morning yesterday. Although we could obtain some information from the Prosecutor’s office, we were not given the legal right to visit our client in custody of the police. We call attention of the international NGOs and sensitive individuals to take action against the operation which is another instance of vicious chains of the present oppression in Turkey. Yarsav, the Association for the Union…

  • ALL,  Turkey

    Torture in Turkish prisons

    The president of pro Kurdish party, Mr. Selahattin Demirtas, challenged to the minister of justice by saying that ” let’s visit a prison with a doctor and ask prisoners whether they are being exposed to torture. If they say no I will resign from my post right after the visit. You (Minister) are lying on torture. I can’t tell before people how you have tortured women inmates” http://www.cumhuriyet.com.tr/m/haber/siyaset/617532/Demirtas_tan_Bekir_Bozdag_a_iskence_cagrisi…__Sende_seref_varsa…_.html

  • ALL,  Turkey

    Appel aux dons pour les juges turques par l’Association Suisse des Magistrats

    Chers Membres de la SVR-ASM Vous avez sans doute suivi l’évolution des événements en Turquie après la tentative de putsch et vous avez appris qu’environ 3’500 juges et procureurs (grosso modo un tiers de l’ensemble des magistrats judiciaires de la Turquie) ont été inscrits sur des listes en tant qu'”adversaires de l’Etat”. Tous ces juges et procureurs ont été entre-temps renvoyés, et un grand nombre d’entre eux (nous n’avons actuellement de données précises) sont en détention préventive, certains depuis plusieurs mois, sans perspective de procès. L’accusation se limite à reprocher à ces personnes de figurer sur les listes précitées; en d’autres termes, ils sont soupçonnés d’avoir soutenu la tentative de…

  • ALL,  Turkey

    Spendenaufruf der Schweizer Richtervereinigung zugunsten der türkischen Richter

    Geschätztes Mitglied der SVR-ASM Sie haben sicher die Ereignisse in der Türkei nach dem niedergeschlagenen Putsch mitverfolgt und sind darüber orientiert, dass rund 3’500 Richterinnen und Richter sowie Staatsanwältinnen und Staatsanwälte (rund ein Drittel der gesamten Justizangehörigen der Türkei) auf Listen als “Gegner des Staates” aufgeführt werden. Alle diese Richter und Staatsanwälte wurden inzwischen aus dem Dienst entlassen, sehr viele von Ihnen (wir haben zur Zeit keinen genauen Überblick) sitzen – teilweise seit Monaten – in Untersuchungshaft, Prozesse wurden noch kaum angehoben. Der Vorwurf gegen diese Personen beschränkt sich zumeist darauf, dass sie auf diesen Listen figurieren, was gleichbedeutend damit sein soll, dass sie den Putschversuch unterstützt hätten. Wir kennen…

  • ALL,  Turkey

    today’s toll for teachers suspended in Turkey is 5200

    Message from Turkey: “Today early morning 2800 teachers had been suspended and now in the evening of the same day 2400 more teachers were suspended. So today’s toll for teachers is 5200. I don’t know where we are going to. We are waking up with fear every morning and the question is the same what happened today? ” http://www.cumhuriyet.com.tr/m/haber/turkiye/615387/Kamuda_ihraclar_devam_ediyor__2_bin_400_ogretmen__184_hakim_ve_savci_aciga_alindi.html

  • ALL,  Turkey

    Some Tweets from Hüseyin Aygun (@HuseyinAygun62), Lawyer

      Hüseyin Aygün‏@HuseyinAygun62 Keskin T Tipi’nde tam 102 kişi için inşa edilmiş 102 adet ‘hücre’ var. Sincan’dan gelen Yargıtay-Danıştay üyelerini buralara doldurmuşlar.. 08:06 – 11 Eki 2016 https://twitter.com/HuseyinAygun62/status/785859171367391233?lang=tr   In Keskin T Type Prison has 102 ‘cell’ constracted for exact 102 person. All Court of Cassation and Council of State member transferred from Sincan Prison are put into those cells. ———————————————————————————————————————————-   Hüseyin Aygün‏@HuseyinAygun62 Sincan’da dün 47, Bugün 78 hakim, İstanbul, Kırıkkale, Konya Ereğli’ye sürüldüler, Basında tek bir satır haber yok, Keyfi idare sürüyor.. 02:58 – 09 Eki 2016 https://twitter.com/HuseyinAygun62/status/785056877877030912?lang=tr From Sincan prison, yesterday 47, today 78 judge are sent to Istanbul, Kırıkkale, Konya Eregli. No criticism from media, arbitrary…

  • ALL,  Turkey

    Another suicide in Turkish prison

    Message from Turkey: “Today a prison guardian committed suicide and died. Up to now, due to the ongoing investigation, as far as I follow, 20 persons including teachers, prosecutor, military officers, police officers committed suicide and passed away. Some of the incidents really cast doubts on whether suicide or murder. you may follow the incidents through this news website below.” ‘FETÖ’den açığa alınan infaz koruma memuru intihar etti

  • ALL,  Turkey


    THE ASSESSMENT OF THE GENERAL SITUATION OF THE JUDGES AND PROSECUTORS AND THE DISMISSAL DECISIONS OF THE HCJP The author of this text is know to the editor, his name is kept secret for security reasons. A)   Summary It is very well known that failed attempted coup happened at the night of the day of 15 July in Turkey. There is no doubt this was an unacceptable, unlawful and very serious crime in the name of democracy and rule of law. But surprisingly within 24 hours after the attempted coup, the High Council of Judges and Prosecutors (HCJP, HSYK) immediately suspended 3654 judges and prosecutors including five members of the…

  • ALL,  Turkey

    (Geheim) Schreiben von Ali Bastürk, Innenministerium, Sicherheitsdirektion

    Twitter- Beitrag von Turkeyde Iskence vom 08.09.2016   (GEHEIM) Innenministerium der Türkischen Republik Sicherheitsdirektion   Nummer:              2— Betreff:                   Besuch von CPT / Informationsanfrage   AN DIE VERTEILERORTE   Bezug:                     Schreiben Nummer 2—   Im Verlaufe der Untersuchungen infolge des verräterischen Putschversuchs vom 15.07.2016 teilte das Justizministerium anlässlich der Koordinationssitzung vom 01.08.2016 bereits mit, dass aufgrund der Stellungnahmen von internationalen Organisationen und von ausländischen Medien  gewisse Prozesse in Gang gesetzt werden können. Nach der Koordinationssitzung des Aussenministeriums mit dem europäischen Komitee für Verhinderung von Folter vom 25.08.2016 wurde mitgeteilt, dass das Komitee im Zeitraum zwischen 28.08.2016- 06.09.2016 unserem Land einen Besuch abstatten wird. Im Verlaufe dieses Besuches wird das Komitee…

  • ALL,  Turkey


    REPORTED BY A JUDGE 1-    In the morning of the coup (16 July, 2016) at 4:00 am, some judges and prosecutors shared the ‘black list of 2745 colleagues’ on the WhatsApp Group that is mostly composed of ‘Nationalist Judges and Prosecutors’. They texted as: “the coup has failed but we will make a successful coup tomorrow”. 2-    After the coup attempt, there were some rational thinking colleagues about the mass arrests, they spoke with the Chief Prosecutor, and they were rejected and were threatened to be on the list to be arrested. 3-    In the city of Duzce, when judges and prosecutors were detained, they got ill treatment. Judge Mrs.…

  • ALL,  Turkey


    1-    Today, 5th of October, 66 more judges were dismissed permanently. The number of dismissed judges and prosecutors have reached to 3456 so far. 2-    The High Council of Judges and Prosecutors started to investigate the judges of the 2nd Criminal Court of Hatay. This court made a decision last week and the decision was that there is no such a thing as ‘FETO Terror Organization’ under the Security Council of UN. http://www.hurriyet.com.tr/66-hakim-ve-savci-daha-meslekten-ihrac-edildi-40240668?_sgm_source=40240668&_sgm_campaign=scn_a004ff5fd97f8006&_sgm_action=click